Saturday, September 12, 2015

Well State Power Pearl Probiotic Review

I started nursing school last year, and I've heard my instructors rave about probiotics time and time again.  But what are they?  By definition, a probiotic is a microorganism introduced into the body for its beneficial qualities.  In other words, good bacteria.  They support a healthy digestive system.  

I thought I didn't need a probiotic because I didn't have digestive issues.  However, I've learned through nursing school that you can still improve your health in areas that may not be problematic.  Your body is a whole, and the better you take care of one system, the better you will feel overall.  Here are some of the benefits of probiotics...

  • IMMUNE SYSTEM SUPPORT: When your gut flora is healthy, your immune system can do what it's designed to do: keep you at the top of your game. And because 80% of your immune system is inside your gut, staying well is a matter of eating nutritious foods and supplementing (as needed) to operate at peak efficiency. Probiotics have been shown to relieve sensitive stomachs, normalize bowel movements, and boost the immune system.
  • FEEL GLEE AND ENERGY AGAIN: If you feel fatigued frequently--even on the best of days--you may be suffering from vitamin, mineral and/or other nutritional deficiencies. Power Pearl Probiotic is specially designed to encourage the microenvironment your gut needs to absorb nutrients so you can enjoy life again with vim and vigor.
  • TAME TUMMY TROUBLES: Power Pearl Probiotic works gently. Each pearl's payload is released gradually so you won't have to contend with the bloating, diarrhea, and/or gas that can occur with other probiotic products. Our digestive and immune balance complex contains three well-researched Lactobacillus strains to promote the growth of good bacteria and suppress the growth of bad microorganisms and viruses.
  • LOSE EXTRA POUNDS EFFORTLESSLY:. When your gut gets it groove on, studies indicate that your metabolism will, too. So you may even find those extra few pounds melting away without having to change anything else you're doing.
Who wouldn't enjoy those benefits?   I'm only in my early 30's, but I can already say that I feel more and more exhausted with each year that passes.  Not only that, it's harder to keep weight off the older you get.  And, I could definitely benefit from feeling more energy and glee in my life.  

One thing I thought was really neat is that you can take 1 pearl a day for daily maintenance, or take up to 3 a day for intense repair, so these can really be customized for anyone's needs.  If you have problems swallowing pills, don't worry because they are no bigger than a pea.

 If you would like to see more, or purchase them for yourself, you can find them by clicking here.


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