Saturday, September 26, 2015

Blossum Cup - Review

As a blogger, I get the opportunity to review some pretty awesome things for free.  The Blossom Cup is one of those awesome things.  I tried a similar product in the past, and I absolutely hated it.  I won't name which one it was, but even in it's smallest size, it was way too big and I could never get it even close to being positioned properly.  I gave up and kept on using tampons, until I came across the Blossom Cup.

The big plus is that it fit.  It was really easy to insert and I didn't have to struggle to get it into position.  I was really worried that it might leak, or even spill, but that didn't happen!  I'm still a little cautious about that, but if it hasn't happened yet, I don't see it happening.  It's just a new concept I'm going to have to get used to. 

The average person uses about 24 pads or tampons during a cycle.  You can do that, or you can use  just 1 Blossom Cup.  It only makes sense that the Blossom Cup is the obvious choice.  It's reusable, so it's the smart choice financially and environmentally.  Plus, there are several color options, which is super cute if you ask me! 

Surely you've already fell in love with the concept of a Blossom Cup, so if you'd like to know even more, head on over to their Amazon page and see how great they are for yourself!


Farmona Nivelazione Slim Thermo Active Modeling Serum Review

I can't remember a time when I didn't have cellulite.  I even remember having the beginnings of it as a teenager.  I wasn't overweight either, so I never understood why.  Now I know that it actually has more to do with collagen, and the elasticity of your skin.  For many years I just accepted it as a part of my life.

I'll admit, I'm not a workout fanatic, but I do try to workout when I can.  As a blogger, I get a lot of opportunities to try out products for free in exchange for an honest review.  I've wanted to try cellulite cream for a while now, so when came across the opportunity to snag it, I did. 

It's not a miracle in a bottle, but it did surpass my expectations, which weren't very high.  I try to run and do cardio at least an hour 3 times a week, and while I was testing this, I  made sure I did.  You can start to feel the warmth within minutes.  It doesn't have an unpleasant smell, and doesn't leave an icky residue, which is always a plus.

As for the results, I do see a noted decrease in cellulite.  I don't think working out alone, nor this cream alone would do the job, but in combination with each other, they are great.  It's something I'll continue to use and hopefully achieve the body I've always wanted.  I do recommend this to anyone with problematic areas, as it will give you a boost in conquering those areas!

To learn more, click here go visit the Amazon product page!

L-Tryptophan Supplement by Bri Nutrition - Review

I suffer from work shift disorder after working several years of swing shifts. For years I've had to use different forms of sleeping pills and sleep aids to help me rotate between a day shift and night shift schedule. Prescription (and even over-the-counter) medications can be very habit forming, expensive, and have several side effects.

I've tried almost everything on the market. There's been supplements I've liked, loved, and hated. I'd actually never heard of L-Tryptophan supplements until recently when I had the opportunity to try them free in exchange for an honest review. I jumped on it, because I'm constantly looking for something that performs well without too many negative effects. I was pleasantly surprised with tryptophan. I'm able to take one just before going to bed, and I nicely dirt off to sleep. I don't have any strange dreams, and I don't feel groggy in the morning.

But there's one more thing I feel I should point out.  This is made in the USA, and is 100% vegetarian/vegan.  It doesn't get much better than that.  Go on over to their site and check it out even further by clicking here.


Pure Organic Moroccan Argan Oil - Review

I have a friend who is a total beauty-product-aholic.  She was the first one to tell me about Argan Oil.  She processes her hair so much that it stays severely damaged.  She didn't want to have to keep cutting her hair short to get rid of her fried hair, and decided to try Argan Oil.  It actually worked for her.  The initial application made her hair exponentially more soft and it appeared much healthier.  It isn't a miracle though.  She uses it on her hair several times a week, and throughout that, she's made her hair look healthy again. 

I, on the other hand, have healthy hair so I didn't think much of it.  That is, until I was given the chance to try it for free in exchange for my honest review, so I decided to read into it a little more.  It's not just for hair.  It's for your face, your skin, your lips, nails, cuticles, literally just about anywhere on your body you have problem areas.

My skin gets very dry in the fall and winter, and my lips stay chapped.  I've also struggled with acne for years and I've been left with dark spots on my face.  I started using this and almost immediately saw results.  This is also great for fine lines and wrinkles.

Despite it's many uses, I have to say that my favorite part about Argan Oil is that it clears up and prevents chapped lips like a dream.  Chapstick actually has harmful chemicals in it that causes you to need more and more chapstick to keep your lips moist and healthy.  I did the battle with chapstick last year and after it got to the point to where I couldn't go without applying it several times a day, I decided enough was enough.  This has solved my problem!

But don't take my word for it, try it for yourself and I guarantee you'll become a believer!  To see more about this product, click here.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Life Food - Garcinia Cambogia 85% HCA Extract Review

It's a well known fact that garcinia cambogia works wonders in weight loss.  It works to curb hunger pains without restricting calories or changing your daily routine. Not feeling hungry any more in the evening, less appetite and cravings for junk food. In addition, most users report zero side effects - no jitters, no nausea, no headaches, nothing.  Many people even see their mood enhanced and activity levels increased. 

If you use this in combination with dieting and exercise, your results with be multiplied.  It's hard for a lot of people to stick to an exercise regime, and I'm one of them.  If I don't see results quickly, I tend to give up.  I'm not saying this is a good quality, it's just the way it is.  I recently started using garcinia cambogia by Life Food, and it has helped me see (and feel) instant results, so it drives me to keep making positive changes in my lifestyle. 

Check if out for yourself on Amazon!

Glory Feel Garcinia Cambogia 95% HCA Extract - Review

It's a well known fact that garcinia cambogia works wonders in weight loss.  It works to curb hunger pains without restricting calories or changing your daily routine. Not feeling hungry any more in the evening, less appetite and cravings for junk food. In addition, most users report zero side effects - no jitters, no nausea, no headaches, nothing.  Many people even see their mood enhanced and activity levels increased.  

If you use this in combination with dieting and exercise, your results with be multiplied.  It's hard for a lot of people to stick to an exercise regime, and I'm one of them.  If I don't see results quickly, I tend to give up.  I'm not saying this is a good quality, it's just the way it is.  I recently started using garcinia cambogia by Glory Feel, and it has helped me see (and feel) instant results, so it drives me to keep making positive changes in my lifestyle. 

Check it out for yourself on Amazon!

Deluxe Cook V-Blade Mandoline Slicer Review

I saw a man demonstrating a mandoline slicer in Walmart not too long ago, and I knew immediately that I needed one of these in my life.  I would have walked out of there that day with one, but the price just wasn't right.  Since then, every time I've sliced vegetables or fruit, I've wished I had one.  What takes me several minutes to do can be accomplished in a matter of a few seconds with a mandoline slicer. 

Recently, I ran across the opportunity to receive a Deluxe Cook V-Blade Mandoline Slicer at a discount in exchange for my honest review, and I was thrilled.  The day I received it I made vegetable beef soup just to have an excuse to use it.  I'm in love, I don't know what else to say.  What would have normally taken me the better part of 30 minutes slicing up vegetables was reduced to 2 or 3 minutes. 

It comes with a variety of blades so you can choose different thicknesses, or even julienne in one easy swipe.  It is very, very sharp (which is a good thing) so do use the protective grip that holds whatever you're slicing so you don't cut yourself. 

It comes with a lifetime guarantee, so you know you're spending your money on a great quality product.  I give this two thumbs up!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Serenity of the Mind: The Process of Self Mastery - Book Review and Giveaway!

"Find your innate hidden truth without the conditioned influence of family, society, culture, religion, politics or any other structure that forces a belief system out of line with your inner knowingness. Through the process of self-observation, self-discovery and questioning the world around you, you will learn how to: •Control your thinking, emotions and behaviors •Maneuver life circumstances with less difficulty •Feel more purpose and self-worth •Find flexibility for adapting to challenges and stresses •Have more clarity, acceptance, and inner contentment •Be more loving of yourself and others •Improve your health and overall well being"

We live in a time where distractions and stressors are everywhere.  Our phones are constantly beeping, ringing, and vibrating - communication is everywhere.  There are deadlines at work that need to be met.  We're mentally planning what to have for dinner while we're dreading  having to tackle that huge load of laundry piling up.  We have spouses and children to plan our lives around.  Life is constantly one task after another, after another.  We think of something stupid we said a few days ago, and wonder if someone took it the wrong way.  All these things, and more, distract us from real life.  Are we really living, or are we just spiraling through life from one task to the next?

This happens more often than we realize.  We miss the moment we're living in because we're focused on so many other things around us. 

I especially like this book because it gives you tips you can implement immediately into your life, while others take some time to implement.  No matter who you are, there is a topic for you.  If you have a calmer, more peaceful, happier life, be sure to check this book out.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Well State Power Pearl Probiotic Review

I started nursing school last year, and I've heard my instructors rave about probiotics time and time again.  But what are they?  By definition, a probiotic is a microorganism introduced into the body for its beneficial qualities.  In other words, good bacteria.  They support a healthy digestive system.  

I thought I didn't need a probiotic because I didn't have digestive issues.  However, I've learned through nursing school that you can still improve your health in areas that may not be problematic.  Your body is a whole, and the better you take care of one system, the better you will feel overall.  Here are some of the benefits of probiotics...

  • IMMUNE SYSTEM SUPPORT: When your gut flora is healthy, your immune system can do what it's designed to do: keep you at the top of your game. And because 80% of your immune system is inside your gut, staying well is a matter of eating nutritious foods and supplementing (as needed) to operate at peak efficiency. Probiotics have been shown to relieve sensitive stomachs, normalize bowel movements, and boost the immune system.
  • FEEL GLEE AND ENERGY AGAIN: If you feel fatigued frequently--even on the best of days--you may be suffering from vitamin, mineral and/or other nutritional deficiencies. Power Pearl Probiotic is specially designed to encourage the microenvironment your gut needs to absorb nutrients so you can enjoy life again with vim and vigor.
  • TAME TUMMY TROUBLES: Power Pearl Probiotic works gently. Each pearl's payload is released gradually so you won't have to contend with the bloating, diarrhea, and/or gas that can occur with other probiotic products. Our digestive and immune balance complex contains three well-researched Lactobacillus strains to promote the growth of good bacteria and suppress the growth of bad microorganisms and viruses.
  • LOSE EXTRA POUNDS EFFORTLESSLY:. When your gut gets it groove on, studies indicate that your metabolism will, too. So you may even find those extra few pounds melting away without having to change anything else you're doing.
Who wouldn't enjoy those benefits?   I'm only in my early 30's, but I can already say that I feel more and more exhausted with each year that passes.  Not only that, it's harder to keep weight off the older you get.  And, I could definitely benefit from feeling more energy and glee in my life.  

One thing I thought was really neat is that you can take 1 pearl a day for daily maintenance, or take up to 3 a day for intense repair, so these can really be customized for anyone's needs.  If you have problems swallowing pills, don't worry because they are no bigger than a pea.

 If you would like to see more, or purchase them for yourself, you can find them by clicking here.


Limm Jump Rope Giveaway

When's the last time you jumped rope? 

If you're like me, that was probably in high school gym class, if not before that.  Lately, I've heard a few of my friends mention that jumping rope is part of their workout routine, so I decided to research it a little.  Turns out, jumping rope for 10 minutes burns around 100 calories, the same as running a mile.  That sounds pretty good if you ask me!
Limm Jump Rope

I was lucky enough to get to try out a Limm Jump Rope in exchange for an honest review.  I have to admit, I don't know much about jump ropes, but I really liked this one because you're able to adjust it so it fits you perfectly.  This involves taking it apart, and cutting it.  It was simple enough.  If I can do it, anyone can.
So, there you have it!  I tried it out, and it works like a charm.  Now to work on my stamina!

Along with the chance to try this free, I was also given the opportunity to host a giveaway to one lucky person reading this.  The contest will end on September 18th, 2015 at 12:00.  Good luck! a Rafflecopter giveaway

And if you don't want to wait for the contest to end, you can buy your own by clicking here!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Review of Valentina Paris Hand-Painted Wine Glasses

Do you love wine?!?

I do!  I mean, how can you not?  So when I got the chance to review a pair of beautiful, hand painted wine glasses by ValentinaParis, I jumped on it. 

Fast forward a few days later, and I had the package in my hands.  I waited until I got to work to open the package.  My coworkers always flock around me because I'm a shopaholic and usually get some pretty neat stuff.  As I pulled the first glass out of the box, everyone's mouth (including mine) dropped open in awe.  It was seriously the most beautiful piece of glass I've ever seen.  Not only that, the size leaves nothing for desire.  These things are big, and I mean BIG.  Not awkwardly big, but a nice, solid, "I won't have to get up every 10 minutes and refill my glass" big.  All my coworkers were ranting and raving over them. 

I tried and tried to get a photo that does them justice, and I just couldn't.  These are 1,000,000 times more beautiful in person. 

Did I mention these are hand painted?!  Yes, each one is hand painted, so you know the quality is superb!  Take a look for yourself...

And get a load of the size...
That's not a 20 oz. Sprite bottle, that's a 2-liter...yeah!

What are you waiting for?  Check them out on Amazon by clicking here.  You won't regret it!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

BTipsy Lemon Squeezer Review

Lemonade is a staple in my household.  Most people associate lemonade with summer, but we like it all year long.  That goes without saying, we go through a lot of lemons!  And not just lemons, but limes as well since we're equally crazy about lime-aid.

Most of my life I've squeezed lemons the old fashioned way, by rolling them and squeezing the juice out by hand.  This way works, but it's time consuming, and it's hard to get all of the juice out.  There had to be a better way.

I bought a cheap-o plastic lemon squeezer at Wal-mart and tried it out.  It was almost worse than doing it by hand!  It was way too small for even regular sized lemons, so I found myself having to reposition the lemon several times to get different areas of it.  Not to mention some of the juice would roll down the handle and onto the counter top.  There still had to be a better way.

I was lucky enough to have the chance to review a BTipsy lemon squeezer in exchange for an honest review.  I was honestly pretty excited about it.  As soon as the package arrived, I knew I was going to love it.  You can feel the quality of it.  It's made of stainless steel, and heavy enough to know you have an excellent product, but  not too heavy to be annoying.  It's hard enough to accommodate large lemons, and is designed so the juice won't roll back down the handle.  I couldn't wait to try it out!

Here it is compared to my old, plastic squeezer, which is going into the trash today!

I especially love the fact that they print over and over on the box how much your satisfaction means to them, and lists their contact info.  Some companies make it almost impossible to find their contact info, but you can tell BTipsy really cares about customer satisfaction.

Lemonade Recipe

  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 2 cups fresh lemon juice
  • 1 gallon cold water
  • 1 lemon, sliced 

In a 1 gallon container, place sugar and hot water, and stir until sugar dissolves. Add lemon juice and cold water to render 1 gallon. Stir until well mixed. 
Use the same recipe for lime-aide!


To learn more about BTipsy click here.  To read more about this product, or to purchase one for yourself, visit their Amazon page by clicking here.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Easy@Home Areta Fingertip Pulse Oximeter Review

  • Measure and monitor blood oxygen saturation levels (SpO2) and pulse rate in seconds with high accuracy. Show the reading in numbers as well as the waveforms (plethysmograph) and bar graph to give visual indication of the irregular, weak heartbeat or incorrect reading. *** ore user friendly.
  • Audio Alarm available to alert abnormal SpO2 level and pulse rate.
  • Easy and Convenient One Button Operation, Auto power-off after 10 Seconds. Last display mode saved after power off. Fit Child to adult all finger sizes. Resistance to ambient light and interference of man made light;
  • Comes with elegant carrying case and Neck/wrist cord; Approved by FDA, perfect for sport and aviation use. Included Batteries Last for more than 24 hours continuous use.
I was given this product free to try in return for an honest review.  Being a nursing student, I am familiar with these devices, and I was really excited to have my own to use during clinicals.  However, you don't have to be in the medical field to benefit from a pulse oximeter.  
These are very simple instruments that quickly measure important vital signs such as the blood oxygen saturation, and pulse.  This particular one does even more than that.  It displays the heartbeat in waveforms so you can see how regular (or irregular) the heart is beating.

It is very simple to use.  Just push the button on top and place on your finger.  It gives the results in just a few short seconds.  You can leave it on your finger and it will give you a real-time reading of your vital signs.  When you're finished, simply take it off of your finger and it will automatically shut off within a few minutes of not being used.
It comes with batteries, which makes it ready to use right out of the box.  Even better, this doesn't take hard-to-find batteries, as it uses two AAA batteries.  
Anyone who has heart problems or a respiratory condition should invest in one of these.  I just so happened to have bronchitis when I received this and I could see the effects of it on my oxygen saturation.  Damage can occur if your oxygen saturation is too low, and this let me know when my levels were getting out of a normal range.
You can also set an alarm to beep if your reading is out of normal limits, which is convenient for someone who might not know all the values right off hand.
Even more, it came with a carrying case and strap.  I was really happy with his because I have to shove this in my pocket with all kinds of other instruments when I work, so I was afraid it'd get scratched or damaged, but the case protects it perfectly. 
This is a nice, solid, great performing product at a great value.  After using this product every day for about a week, I haven't encountered a single downfall with it.  I highly recommend it!

For more information or to purchase, please visit the following links
Company Website